Oh Dunster, so many comments and almost in a swing of conversation too! The problem we have is that the site logs show they all came from the same PC, via different connections and IP addresses. BUT from the same PC never the less. Inter & Net still not connecting up is it? you could try Computers for Dummies. (its a book).
If you do want to mess up the votes and leave comments then just go ahead and do it. We are sort of "Walters of information technology" so not a lot gets passed us on that subject. Plus it will save you a little more time to get out to enjoy your bird watching. We can obviously just delete comments but we think they are best left.
- Do we hate Germans?
No not at all, where do you think we live? OK well not Germany but most of our time is spent between Germany, and the UK amongst other places where our business takes us. Who makes the best cars, who's engineering do we most admire? you should know the answer to the car question, no not GM
- How much time do we spend typing out this average child like humor?
- Racial hatred?
- Do we get off subject and enter area's this blog was not intended for? and can we take a joke that we say this bog was intended?
Yes we do. And do you see anything on this blog that is real life factual stuff? Maybe you do!
- Get a license and join all the other men on the air
- So, perhaps Dunster one question you should ask why, what is all this about?
A while ago a young chap (who we will leave out of this) approached us for some help to obtain his foundation license. Both with special needs and physical disability, we as a group of friends decided to help him out. Over time we coached him with the technical element, set him up with some receiving equipment so he could listen and learn.
Proud owner of his Foundation level license he purchased his own modest equipment and set to gaining experience on air. UNTIL that is he met Mr. Walt who took his time to crucify any confidence he had in himself as a new operator. Just a few words to most of Mr. Walt's usual daily rants, belittlement of lesser stations than his own and so on. Most of us we would just dismiss, forget or maybe not even notice the sarcasm and move on.
In Mr. Walt's defense we do recognize that he does not use a QRZ to look up who he is talking to on air, if he had then as our young chap's QRZ profile makes perfectly clear, not only of his personal situation but also the great achievement he had made to overcome his disabilities and get to where he had!
Mr. Walt's great knowledge and vast experience could have and should have been a perfect opportunity for this young fellow to glean some useful tips, tricks and knowledge. After all what is left to be known about amateur radio that Walt does not know is probably not really worth knowing anyway!
This combined by Walters greatness in being able to talk with confidence on just about any subject thrown at him, one would think he would have been a perfect candidate to put these skills to great use and encourage a youngster into this hobby of ours. You have worked in a school yourself so we are sure that you know all about encouragement and how important it is to help young people engage.
So is Bob Clondike a childish poor writer of humor? Is this the totally wrong way to go about "getting ones own back"?
Actually Bobs humor although may come over as a little schizophrenic, psychotic immature & mostly delusional, written in bad English with typo's and poor spelling! The site was originally setup so that anyone who may be offended by our main man on 40m would probably Google his call sign, find that they are not alone, thinking that what they themselves think about the person they have just spoken to on the air, is also thought by a few more people too.
73's Bob.
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