Helga joins us with this fabulous story about our almighty Mr. Walt and his latest invention, well the first early trials of his latest invention.
Apparently according to Helga, Mr. Walt has been working on a new throat microphone, this was we are lead to believe to help Walter stop falling of his PBOTA bike. The now rather old German CB'er is having trouble holding onto his bike and using his echo power mic at the same time. Early tests didn't go exactly to plan! As you can see from the photo Helga took while visiting Walter in his garden shed (where he now lives a purely impure life) the new throttle mic as he calls it has turned out to be a bit of a balls up causing severe blindness in one eye!k
Dont worry about the testicles hanging out of his nostril, this was one of his other inventions... he calls it his bullshit filter. Designed to hang perfectly over the mouth it filters out anything that could ever be construed as normal conversation, thus turning anything the great leader utters on air into complete and utter bollox!
You have to say he is a clever chap, if only he would come out of his shed and be nice to Mrs. Ontrupeloffski! You never know Walt she might even kiss and forgive though we recommend you blow that nose real hard first Walter!
Once again please everyone, a big welcome for HELGA FLOPADOPOLUS! to the team
Helga pictured above was a once upon a time Filipino buy 'a' wife that our Walt used to chat up on Ch 9, in his desperate attempts to win her over he used to send all his sales commission earnings to Helga in the form as jelly beans, always promising her the good life: German lessons, cabbage and all the free chickens feet she could eat. Helga who was rather put off by his bollox filter on their first eyeball decided a life surrounded by the tuna filled water of Cebu would be much better.
Now married to a kind English man they both live happily on a private island just off the coast of Switzerland. Helga dropped out of CB'ing many years ago and gained her Amateur Radio operators license, she now as well as reporting for our office designs QRP SDR radio kits and sells them to the German government.
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