Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Hairy fish, Persian Kitty's Delta Radio

Hi Bob Walt here, gotta share this one with you good bud! I've been inventing again...  Remember my fish squeezing experiments? I've done it again and come up with another ground breaking idea!

Since a young age I always had a bit of a hair problem. Probably too much RF radiation from my space patrol walkie talkies.
DK5DR Yong Walter 
Walter (young man)

Anyway Bob my sister (Judith Sheindlin or you might know her as Judge Judy from TV) told me about the advantages of fish oil. I called my mate Helmet on Ch19 to come round to help, Helmet is a great fish squeezer! So we got squeezing them fish in my shed and look what happened ! its amazing really it is!! look...
DK5DR Squeeze them fish
first trials
Even Mrs. Walt got excited! but still reminded me about the Baboon that ran off with my toupée on our wedding night! I did get it back but I wont go into that right now...

So I let Helmet squeeze them fish & let the fishy juice run all over my head, he then gave me a rather exciting massage  to make sure it really got in deep where the follicles used to be. AND LOOK!
Result! back to black!
I look great don't you think?  Just wish id done this prior to my interview with Stanstons and Walters!  Next up im gonna give it a go by mixin fish and the cat from next door together, you never know it might even bring back some of them curly ones down below! Sexy stuff eh!

Gotta go Bob before Aldi closes need some shampoo....

10 10 till we do it again!

"And Rome will be slave to the hairy man" 

Might change my handle to "Goldilocks" im so happy, think I will skip like a young girl through the town


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