Bob: Hello Mr. Walter, so very nice of you to get in touch and finally speak to us! especially following your mega yawn earlier today. Tell us how are you feeling now??
DK5DR: Bob DK5DR, Well Bob it was a close call n all, you see when speaking to those other stations who attempt to chat with me on air its so difficult to hear them you see, most are only running "piddle" power and even worse they try to squeeze it all out of a miniature almost baby Caterpillar half size G5RV! Everyone knows this antenna has a reputation bigger than its performance, don't you know? By the way Bob how does my audio sound? can you hear any RF?
Bob: Well Mr. Walter it is at least great news to know that your ok! we at Clondiker media were thinking about your electricity bills with all that yawning that goes on in your shack!
DK5DR: Bob DK5DR, Ohhh you know Bob I don't really care about such things, ive spent most of my life yawning all over the world, don't you know! Let me tell you something... In my younger day's I used to live, well actually work in England you know. I saw lots of very English things you know! By the way Bob how's my audio sounding to you? I only ask because I know your fine tuned ears can pick up the slightest whimper of RF.
Bob: You do live up to your reputation Walter you must be exactly what everyone says, a very rich man indeed especially if you don't really care about such things. What part of England did you work in Walter? Back to you DK5DR Bob.
DK5DR: Yaaaaaawwwwwnnnn, hows my audio sounding Bob? its been a while but did I mention that im using a Behringer to you before Bob? DK5DR Bob
Bob: Your audio sounds great Walter, it always does sound great! Not exactly BBC quality but great none the less.
Do tell us Walter what was the hardest thing performing your 1 KW yawn today?
DK5DR: Well Bob, let me tell you. One of the things that us German Big Guns have to suffer from is something you in the rest of the world wont ever have a problem with. its RF burns! Do you know what that is Bob?
Bob: Well surprisingly Walter I do know what an RF burn is like Walter back to you
DK5DR: Well Bob there is only one part of my body that really gets effected by RF you know and that is my toenails! Bob DK5Delta Radio
Bob EEEEwwww Bob you poor guy how do you manage with that? dont you have any kind of shielding you could use? Say maybe some shoes?
DK5DR: Here you go Bob I will SSTV a picture-gram over to you if your ready to receive it Bob?
Bob: Ok Walter send over your Picture-gram good buddy!
DK5DR: Here goes Bob stand by

Bob: DK5DR, Walter I think the conditions are changing your signal just dropped right off the scale so im going to let you go until next time. 73 Walter and get someone to look at those toes good buddy! Try to call in again tomorrow so we can have another chat, ok 73's again Walter!
DK5DR: Hows my Audio sounding Buddy Bob?
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