Mr. Walt sent in this photo of his new mobile setup calling his station now as active "PBOTA" or Push Bike on The Air.
"The idea came about when i found out that so many people are talking over me while im on the air chatting with my good buddies. The idea was: If only I could be a mobile operator I could get out and about, park up outside my good buddies home and chat away on the rig for as long as they will talk to me!
I jumped on the bus down to my local 2nd hand shop to have a dig around for a bike. Poking around the shop I bumped into my best friend Helmet (CB Handle) not only did he fix me up with a real good deal on some wheels, he threw in a bike trailer gratis! The trailer holds the tractor battery and my 1 KW burner and powers my typewriter so I can type up some QSL cards and deliver them right to the door! In the photo you can see some solar panels i borrowed off a roof just down the road to recharge the tractor battery on sunny day's (lets me talk for longer). The bike is great its got a little dynamo too, if I jack up the frame on an old house brick the back wheel just lifts off the ground so I can continue to charge the battery to run the rig, burner and typewriter through the night (I found that moonlight isn't that great at charging the battery!) Now I hope to start a PBOTA group with its own website too, make some friends and an internet Yahoo group!
See ya all around for an eyeball soon!"
10:10 till we do it again
Mr. Walt
DK5DR /M (PBOTA Mobile)
And here is my good bud Helmet...
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