Thursday, 31 January 2013

Could Mr. Walt be the missing Glen Miller?

Bob the slob here reporting this time from outer spaghetti land as our Walt likes to call us.

Glenn Miller - Band Leader CB Radio Operator 
Glenn Miller (also well known to his closes friends as Mr. Walt) was an American/German Big Band leader and local CB radio whiz kid , Well known for running around on his ham bike P.B.O.T.A. (Push Bike on The Air!) he would cycle out to his village friends to peddle like mad and playing the Marktsackpfeife (sort of bagpipe) into his Behringer.

Well known for success in Radio and Movie appearances on his bike - Glenn (Walt), At the peek of his civilian career was initially turned down by the Navy due to his acute fear of anyone speaking "British" English around him.  He was eventually accepted into the US Army Air force and ultimately treated for his illness by Dr. Ahmed Urhgunterzenden Army Air Force doctor of psychiatric medicine .Later  transferred to England and during 1944 he was forced by the doctor to cycle around the country to make recordings of himself talking to as many English men as he could..

On December 15th, 1944, Major Glenn Miller (Major Walter D First Class) boarded a four engine USAAF aircraft, taking off in poor weather from RAF Twinwood Farm near Bedford, England, bound for recently liberated Paris to arrange his USAAF future treatment. The plane never arrived at it's destination, Walt and the crew were reported "Missing in Action". The plane with Walt and his crew have never been found.

Numerous rumors surfaced as to Walter's disappearance, the most widely accepted is that his plane crashed into the English Channel after being hit by bombs jettisoned by RAF bomber piloted by RAF wing commander Mrs A Urhgunterzenden wife of the doctor treating Walt, The local news mentioned that the wing commander was so distraught at her husbands attempts to cure Mr Walter (Miller?) that she took it upon herself to do the job right which was common practice at the time by RAF wives.

Walt, following a mile high meeting with  Wing Commander Mrs A Urhgunterzenden.

Many of Walt Millers's CB Radio arrangements are still instantly recognized and it is widely accepted that Walt Miller made an enormous contribution to the war effort with his morale boosting recordings and techniques in persuading the following generations of CB'rs to buy big burners from the Italians. 

His story was immortalized in the 2013 Blog "The DK5DR Fan Page", by Bob the Slob and team of intrepid spotters and reports without burners.

Its widely speculated as to the identity of the Walter we hear on the air today? is it the man himself or is it an unknown who simply plays those long forgotten recordings over and over?

The "big burner" dude himself

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

DK5DR is now P.B.O.T.A. (Push Bike on The Air!)

Mr. Walt sent in this photo of his new mobile setup calling his station now as active "PBOTA" or Push Bike on The Air.

"The idea came about when i found out that so many people are talking over me while im on the air chatting with my good buddies. The idea was:  If only I could be a mobile operator I could get out and about, park up outside my good buddies home and chat away on the rig for as long as they will talk to me!

I jumped on the bus down to my local 2nd hand shop to have a dig around for a bike.  Poking around the shop I bumped into my best friend Helmet (CB Handle) not only did he fix me up with a real good deal on some wheels, he threw in a bike trailer gratis! 
The trailer holds the tractor battery and my 1 KW burner and powers my typewriter so I can type up some QSL cards and deliver them right to the door!  In the photo you can see some solar panels i borrowed off a roof just down the road to recharge the tractor battery on sunny day's (lets me talk for longer).  The bike is great its got a little dynamo too, if I jack up the frame on an old house brick the back wheel just lifts off the ground so I can continue to charge the battery to run the rig, burner and typewriter through the night (I found that moonlight isn't that great at charging the battery!) Now I hope to start a PBOTA group with its own website too, make some friends and an internet Yahoo group!

See ya all around for an eyeball soon!"

10:10 till we do it again
Mr. Walt
DK5DR /M (PBOTA Mobile)
DK5DR My CB Radio Bike

And here is my good bud Helmet...


Sunday, 20 January 2013

F'ing and Blinding? Not on air surely!!

Is this our Mr. Walt? We are sure he wouldn't do this to anyone!? DK5DR would never F & B on the air.

Original Forum link

"Just worked the most arrogant operator I've honestly heard and spoke too!

His call is DK5DR, dropped me aside to speak to another station and then started Fffffing and blinding.

Wouldn't work this idiot if you hear him guy's...a total numptie!!!!!!!

I'm off for a cuppie.......I'm spitting!!!!!!!  

He's not in the Log, don't want to be associated with this ****.

He's on 7.077, have a listen."
And again another unhappy chap (in Italian)

Original Forum link complaints about DK5DR

Saturday, 19 January 2013


What is it with all these contest calling morons? so many weekends taken up by these annoying folk spread all over the bands "CQ CQ blah blah CONTEST"

Don't you guys have partners who might want to call you to bed? or is "one handing your mic" ALL WEEKEND better than spending some time with your partner?

We are sure that the majority of others would appreciate some organization where contests limited and have band segments allocated!

not DK5DR and not working a contest
    (maybe not)
    The above photo is a die hard (ex left handed single) contester.

What does Walt say?

"Well, you know I used to work in England! I had to leave because of the low power restrictions.  The only reason one could persuade me to go back these days is they have quite good access to fish... what being an island and all.  How does my audio sound?"

Actually to be fair to old man Mr. Walt we know he is not into contests.

DK5DR How it all started

Walt told us about how he got into radio back when he was a boy...

"Well guys you see I was out with my mom and pop visiting some friends when I saw this in a show window in Wippingen.  After my pops brought me this i was hooked"

"I still have it and it still works just great! I wear it like a watch and use it like a radio! No batteries no electricity and no tubes!! get a Behringer to do that! Now though im more into CB's because I can contact good buddies and insult them from afar without them knowing who I am or where I live, the bullies don't catch me and fill my ears with mud anymore! 

DK5DR Walter shares his Fish Swallowing Secret

DK5DR Walter called our office via his space patrol HT the other day to share his fish blowing technique! 

"Hi guys big Walt here, thought I would get on my space patrol HT and share one of my best party tricks with you all, goes down a treat at the local ham club..

I take the fish into my mouth and take deep breaths, my nose hole at the back of my mouth is real big so its easy, I guide it up then its just a simple nose blow and out she comes down my nose.  There are times when the fish might slip down the back into my mouth, I just give a little cough and up she goes!"

"I only do girl fish"

DK5DR Walter with his fish on 7.150Mhz

Monday, 14 January 2013

Radio ham / CB'er DK5DR finds lost satellite
Dave Rowan in his shed
Mr Walter tracked the satellite in the 1970s but mistook the 
beeping sound for his new Casio watch from Aldi

A CB radio enthusiast has traced the whereabouts of a communication satellite which had been lost in space.
Mr. Walter (DK5DR) found the Oscar 7 satellite, which stopped working in 1979, using equipment he has set up in his garden shed.  Mr. Walter said "I picked it up using my G5RV/K40 hybrid, it was a great antenna at the time but far too common for me to use these days, now I just stick with my trusty K40 with lighty thing on top".
The CB enthusiast had recognized the code because he had tracked the satellite when it was working in the late 1970s though back then he mistook the beeps for his new Casio digital watch that Mrs. Walter brought him for his birthday from Aldi.
Now scientists at the University of Surrey have asked Mr Walter to monitor Oscar 7 so they can work out why it went wrong.  The University also confirmed they have ordered a large quantity of Mr. Walters DK5DR wifi speed spray to help them find their own missing satellittes in the future.
Solar panels
Mr Walter said: "It was an old friend. I had spent many hours in the early hours of the morning tracking this satellite and many bottle of my famous wifi speed spray too.
"When it made a reappearance and I confirmed it was Oscar 7 I was quite delighted."

Oscar 7
The satellite stopped working in 1979
Mr Walter believes the battery on the satellites stopped working but somehow the solar panels have begun to work again.
"It is live but not necessarily that well.
"It has no battery and the guess will be how long will this spacecraft last again.
"After 20 years in space with millions of miles to its credit, there is no reason it shouldn't last further time."
Mr Walter's wife said he's spent most of our married life in his shed which is fitted with powerful radio equipment with a lot of Behringer kit too.
She calls herself a "radio widow" and Mr Walter has even fitted an intercom from the shed to the house so I don't have to see that much of him.  "All I can see now from the kitchen window is the K40 antenna on the shed roof, I know he is there because he has one of the glowing things on top of the K40 that lights up every time he talks on his wireless to his good buddy friends on those wirelesses".
Mrs Walter said: "He has got everything in his shed even a single bed! He even wanted a double bed!!!
"but I won't allow that! But then again its been so many years since I have seen him who knows what he has now, I think there is something fishy going on and I think its got a lot to do with that no good Mrs. Behringer from number 32"

Response from DK5DR

At last! DK5DR (Walter) came out of the QRM with a response to the news from earlier today regarding his 1 KW on air Yawn.  Here is the transcript of the interview....

Bob: Hello Mr. Walter, so very nice of you to get in touch and finally speak to us! especially following your mega yawn earlier today.  Tell us how are you feeling now??

DK5DR: Bob DK5DR, Well Bob it was a close call n all, you see when speaking to those other stations who attempt to chat with me on air its so difficult to hear them you see, most are only running "piddle" power and even worse they try to squeeze it all out of a miniature almost baby Caterpillar half size G5RV!  Everyone knows this antenna has a reputation bigger than its performance, don't you know? By the way Bob how does my audio sound? can you hear any RF?

Bob: Well Mr. Walter it is at least great news to know that your ok! we at Clondiker media were thinking about your electricity bills with all that yawning that goes on in your shack!

DK5DR: Bob DK5DR, Ohhh you know Bob I don't really care about such things, ive spent most of my life yawning all over the world, don't you know! Let me tell you something... In my younger day's I used to live, well actually work in England you know.  I saw lots of very English things you know! By the way Bob how's my audio sounding to you? I only ask because I know your fine tuned ears can pick up the slightest whimper of RF. 

Bob: You do live up to your reputation Walter you must be exactly what everyone says, a very rich man indeed especially if you don't really care about such things.  What part of England did you work in Walter? Back to you DK5DR Bob.

DK5DR: Yaaaaaawwwwwnnnn, hows my audio sounding Bob? its been a while but did I mention that im using a Behringer to you before Bob? DK5DR Bob

Bob: Your audio sounds great Walter, it always does sound great! Not exactly BBC quality but great none the less.
Do tell us Walter what was the hardest thing performing your 1 KW yawn today?

DK5DR: Well Bob, let me tell you. One of the things that us German Big Guns have to suffer from is something you in the rest of the world wont ever have a problem with.  its RF burns! Do you know what that is Bob?

Bob:  Well surprisingly Walter I do know what an RF burn is like Walter back to you

DK5DR:  Well Bob there is only one part of my body that really gets effected by RF you know and that is my toenails! Bob DK5Delta Radio

Bob EEEEwwww Bob you poor guy how do you manage with that? dont you have any kind of shielding you could use? Say maybe some shoes?

DK5DR:  Here you go Bob I will SSTV a picture-gram over to you if your ready to receive it Bob?

Bob: Ok Walter send over your Picture-gram good buddy!

DK5DR:  Here goes Bob stand by

DK5DR 1 KW RF toenail Burn . sstvDK5Delta Radio Picture-Gram >>>>>>>

Bob:  DK5DR, Walter I think the conditions are changing your signal just dropped right off the scale so im going to let you go until next time. 73 Walter and get someone to look at those toes good buddy!  Try to call in again tomorrow so we can have another chat, ok 73's again Walter!

DK5DR: Hows my Audio sounding Buddy Bob?

1KW Yawn recorded on 7.150MHz @ 19:00 CET

Today Seismologists recorded a 1KW yawn emitted by world renowned Citizen Band (CB Radio) / the man with some HAM DK5DR.

This "mega" yawn as it was described by shortwave listeners spread between the far distant corners of a small village located somewhere in northern Germany, measured just over the 1KW mark.

Our reporter / spy on the air asked DK5DR for comment regarding his blatant waste of power and global resources.

Mr. Walter replied via his manager and advertising agent Miss. Tinkle Kenwood :

"At the moment Mr. Walter who is recovering in a medically arranged horizontal position is unable to comment himself. However he has asked me to pass on his regards to all that follow him in his daily readings at mass of the Behringer parts list. The monumental yawn came about while attempting to converse with an M6 station who was operating QRP at the time, due to the fact that Mr. Walter was unable to remember a correct and proper Q code he then let out an uncontrolled, almighty yawn. This resulted in a moon bounce from DK5DR's Radio Shack Space Patrol walkie talkie (re-labeled Kenwood)" said Miss TinkleK. HIHI Roger!

As soon as Mr. Walters walkie thingy has recovered he we be back on the air to answer any questions himself but as we are sure you can see from the photo below we expect to have a little trouble removing his special space helmet with is being such a tight fit around his head!
DK5DR Mr. Walter the Man with HAM
DK5DR Mr. Walter
de DK5DR.  73's and tootle pip Space Patrol friends.

Greenpeace join with Somali pirates to track down DK5DR

Its been reported on CNN-CB that Greenpeace has enlisted the help of Somali pirates to hunt down DK5DR and charge him with cruelty to fish.

Over the past years it has become wold wide knowledge that Mr. Walter or DK5DR as he is better known has been catching and inhumanly squeezing fart gas out of vulnerable and helpless little fish. This has been going on just off the West coast of Africa aboard his ship "The Dummy Load"

The mad inventor and CB radio enthusiast has been reportedly squeezing fish in an cruel fashion in order to extract their valuable but EU banned fart gasses. Its reported that Mr. Walter (code named DK5DR) uses recycled G5RV's to extract the fish fart gas (FFG). he then secretly produces his latest invention for turning the Ozone into sporadic E (for Germany) thus creating year long period of propagation on 6 meters.

The long search for his ship "the dummy load" came to an end when 6 year old Fritz Fingermonger (or Fishfinger) as he is known to the locals found his location hidden in hidden archives of

More to come on this story as soon as the QRM clears.


DK5DR Wifi Speed Spray! This stuff works!

Now this was an idea and one that allowed Walter to retire to his mega yacht off the West African coast.

Requiring better wifi speeds so far off the African coast he came up with yet another money spinner and adding to his long list of inventions for the advancement of radio! He became the only man (known to man) to bottle fish farts! Anyway after convincing many of his good buddy CB'er friends to spray this stuff all over their Yagi's n rubber ducks, he un-wittingly created the ionosphere (well for Germany at least it would appear)!

There are also reports ( from Fish-Net ) that DK5DR is now working on a joint venture project with anApple to promote his next invention "Ozone Spray" this he has high hopes will allow for greater 6 meter propagation all year round. The new Ozone reacting spray (bottled fish fart this time mixed with just a squeeze of his own) converts Ozone into Sporadic E!

Information on Walters Ozone reacting spray is limited, we hope to hold an interview with the intrepid inventor just as soon as he next weighs anchor.

Not convinced with Walters DK5DR Wifi Speed Spray? See the calculation below together with a photo of the product, one of our insider spy's ( Mr. James Bond'iker ) managed to swipe while aboard the good ship "Dummy Load".

Till next time...... Soon

TTFN from your friendly reporter Bob Clondiker

DK5DR Invention by Mr. Walter

Could this be Walter Mr. DK5DR ?

This is the only known possible photo of DK5DR.

The photograph here shows Walter overseeing the plans of his new ham shack aboard his yacht off the coast of Africa pre qrz / internet times.

As all can see DK5DR has a superb eye for detail and planning, the anonymous ham submitting this photo told us that DK5DR insisted that his entire studio be labeled in both German and English, on the off chance of a Welsh / British Citizen Band (CB good buddy) popping in on him for a pretzel an coffee.

Some years later we were told that the Welsh & English "breakers" never did make a visit to the DK5DR, this it was later learned was down to Walters cunning "anti direction finding device", later known as the Walter German designed equivalent to the G5RV his most favourite & largest antenna THE DK5-DUMMY-LOAD-DR. A special 2KW version designed by Walter to prevent QRZ from obtaining his location! Clever stuff eh?

Sunday, 13 January 2013

"This is Germany Calling" The voice of the hero himself

Welcome to the DK5DR fan page

Welcome to the fan page of "probably" the most  famous Radio HAM in the world!


A little information:  

Mr. DK5DR is a top chap, well educated and also a blast to converse with on the air. His command of English the English language and superb dry humor is excellent! SWL's and HAM's alike around the world can learn a lot from his highly educated open and informative conversations on air. His knowledge of audio, antenna and high power systems are what could only be described as vast! He could almost be mistaken for hearing him say "Behringer is my name and twiddling is my game..."

His patience to listen, coach and help the newly qualified radio operators from around the world is unsurpassed! We think he is a very rich man indeed, after all he must live on a hugely expensive yacht per anchored at grid square JJ00aa! And running how much power? at that location and always a perfect 5 & 9 + 20db

"A Big Gun" on 40m but rag chewing no further than Wales GB

We love you Walter please send us your picture :)

Comments are open: