As many may already know Mr. Walt is back on the air!
Helga is busy scanning the 40m band for up to date info, so as soon as she sends in her latest report we will be back on line reporting....
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Did you hear Walter on the air lately?
Maybe the hot weather is keeping the old man out of the garden shed these days but just lately we didn't hear him on 40m.
Does anyone know where he is these days?
Does anyone know where he is these days?
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Mega splat DK5DR
How many friends do you have off air? Count them using the number invented in India!
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Internet security & stuff
Interesting conversation yesterday between Dunster and Megasplat Walt the Almighty, amongst the usual preaching about how others should conduct themselves on air, the use of the Internet came up.
Dunster couldn't understand why upload speeds were slower than downloads... Well Dunstie its like this...
The original reason, which is still valid for most subscribers, is a physical limitation of bandwidth.
For example, with DSL or Cable your connection uses a single wire (yes, DSL actually uses two wires, but they are unshielded and closely coupled so they act like one) to handle download and upload, and depending on the quality of the connection and distance it can handle a maximum number of total bits per second.
So, if you have a DSL connection with a max bandwidth of, for the ease of an explanation for Dunstie... 2Mbps, you can either split that 1Mbps down and up, or more commonly 3/4 down and 1/4 up. Most of what you do is download all those photo's... means more info needs to come down the wire (the photo's) than needs to go up the wire (sending instruction to download photo...).
Next subject to come up was Internet security that Mega Splat didn't understand...
Dunstie was trying to explain how you can hide your web browsing from the outside world (probably all those photo's again) by directing his connection from different places around the world.
Not exactly Dunsties best subject this one! Its a wonder that he managed to get that SDR working at all! Or does he just say he is using an SDR radio so he can feel part of the club? After all, anyone can get a license by spending time memorising the questions from the QDAV Advanced course tutor application & Hamtests!
Oh and Talking about hiding where you go on the Internet, we see you visit us from all over the world, thats cool but its still you sitting in Dunstable at the end of the wire!
You were up early this morning Dunstie? ip:
Say around 7.47am? But it is nice to know your a regular reader of the blog, even if you say your not.
Moving on..
Nice comment came in yesterday:
has left a new comment on your post "The
Preacher has a cleaner!":
what you hear is a permanently fart from his mouth ho ho ho
the Optimod sounds like bull shit was too loud and distorted (Italy) heights sounds clinically without dynamics the background noises (Indonesian midget vacuuming the floor) are bad. but I prefer listen to the Indonesians as his stupid diarrhea comes out of his mouth
Posted by Anonymous to This is Germany Calling at 5 April 2013 13:16
what you hear is a permanently fart from his mouth ho ho ho
the Optimod sounds like bull shit was too loud and distorted (Italy) heights sounds clinically without dynamics the background noises (Indonesian midget vacuuming the floor) are bad. but I prefer listen to the Indonesians as his stupid diarrhea comes out of his mouth
Posted by Anonymous to This is Germany Calling at 5 April 2013 13:16
Friday, 5 April 2013
Anonymous has left a new comment on post "The Preacher has a cleaner!":
what you hear is a permanently fart from his mouth ho ho ho
the Optimod sounds like bull shit was too loud and distorted (Italy) heights sounds clinically without dynamics the background noises (Indonesian midget vacuuming the floor) are bad. but I prefer listen to the Indonesians as his stupid diarrhea comes out of his mouth
Posted by Anonymous to This is Germany Calling at 5 April 2013 13:16
Anonymous has left a new comment on post "DK5DR Shacking weekend in the shed":
new coods. all rights dk5dr DR as (Deutsches Reich)
Posted by Anonymous to This is Germany Calling at 5 April 2013 07:02
what you hear is a permanently fart from his mouth ho ho ho
the Optimod sounds like bull shit was too loud and distorted (Italy) heights sounds clinically without dynamics the background noises (Indonesian midget vacuuming the floor) are bad. but I prefer listen to the Indonesians as his stupid diarrhea comes out of his mouth
Posted by Anonymous to This is Germany Calling at 5 April 2013 13:16
Anonymous has left a new comment on post "DK5DR Shacking weekend in the shed":
new coods. all rights dk5dr DR as (Deutsches Reich)
Posted by Anonymous to This is Germany Calling at 5 April 2013 07:02
Saturday, 30 March 2013
DK5DR for President!
Not happy with loosing out running for Pope, Walt sets off on another campaign! Maybe just maybe our Mr. Walt could sort out the problems with North Korea! If he can turn up that amp up a notch or two.
Mrs. Walt was reported as, although still exasperated with her husbands little fads, at least she wont have the embarrassing job of collecting his 'Pope hats' magazine!
"do they have presidents hats?" she asked our local reporter Helga Flopadopolus.
Enjoy the video!
By the way that's Dave in the glasses! But would he take a bullet for Mr. Walt?? Helmet would!
Monday, 25 March 2013
Don't be a nob, be a responsible nob!
Just received an e-mail about Walt being heavily hassled on air!
Come on chaps that's not what this is all about.
That's not the way to behave.
And that's not what you were given a license for.
Shout, grumble and be complete ass on the internet just like me, but please lets keep it on the internet and NOT on the air.
The Blog is getting 1000's of visitors, the stats say these visitors arrive at the site after Google searching for the call sign. Fun can be had, please let it stay here!
Besides that if everyone is sending tones, shouting under anyone's transmission, how the hell can we hear whats being said and write it up?
So please if you must be a nob, at least be a responsible nob like us!
He can be a grumpy humper but he is getting better!
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Nice Mr. Walter DK5DR & Murky-Maiden
Great news this morning we did hear our great leader Mr. Walt talking to an M6 in the UK.
As well as a rather pleasing conversation Mr. Walt was actually giving this guy some practical, solid advice. This even though Walt reported that his signal was very low and due to a general bulletin also being broadcast he persisted with the weak station right up until the German bulletin station became too strong.
Maybe a change is in the air? Who knows but what ever is to come you can be sure we will report it here...
What would mother Merkel have to say on this? Well we gave her a shout, we happen to know she always keeps her President Lincoln on for Sunday mornings. Took a while to get through but....
Mother Merk..
Bob, this truly is wonderful and jubilant news, we in Germany consider all of our nationals to be ambassador's to their own country. I hold my morning Stange of beer up to Mr. Walt and encourage him to continue in this lovable way forward!

I cant talk very long Bob, as I have a liposuction appointment later this afternoon & need to get myself sewn back up in time for an important meeting regarding the twin town association of Portz-Am-Rhein with the English town of Dunstable.
As soon as I wrap up the meeting I will give Walt a call on Ch. 19. 10:10 tilll we do it again Murky-Maiden over and out!
Maybe a change is in the air? Who knows but what ever is to come you can be sure we will report it here...
What would mother Merkel have to say on this? Well we gave her a shout, we happen to know she always keeps her President Lincoln on for Sunday mornings. Took a while to get through but....
Mother Merk..
I cant talk very long Bob, as I have a liposuction appointment later this afternoon & need to get myself sewn back up in time for an important meeting regarding the twin town association of Portz-Am-Rhein with the English town of Dunstable.
As soon as I wrap up the meeting I will give Walt a call on Ch. 19. 10:10 tilll we do it again Murky-Maiden over and out!
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Q & A with Dunster and Bob
Oh Dunster, so many comments and almost in a swing of conversation too! The problem we have is that the site logs show they all came from the same PC, via different connections and IP addresses. BUT from the same PC never the less. Inter & Net still not connecting up is it? you could try Computers for Dummies. (its a book).
If you do want to mess up the votes and leave comments then just go ahead and do it. We are sort of "Walters of information technology" so not a lot gets passed us on that subject. Plus it will save you a little more time to get out to enjoy your bird watching. We can obviously just delete comments but we think they are best left.
- Do we hate Germans?
No not at all, where do you think we live? OK well not Germany but most of our time is spent between Germany, and the UK amongst other places where our business takes us. Who makes the best cars, who's engineering do we most admire? you should know the answer to the car question, no not GM
- How much time do we spend typing out this average child like humor?
- Racial hatred?
- Do we get off subject and enter area's this blog was not intended for? and can we take a joke that we say this bog was intended?
Yes we do. And do you see anything on this blog that is real life factual stuff? Maybe you do!
- Get a license and join all the other men on the air
- So, perhaps Dunster one question you should ask why, what is all this about?
A while ago a young chap (who we will leave out of this) approached us for some help to obtain his foundation license. Both with special needs and physical disability, we as a group of friends decided to help him out. Over time we coached him with the technical element, set him up with some receiving equipment so he could listen and learn.
Proud owner of his Foundation level license he purchased his own modest equipment and set to gaining experience on air. UNTIL that is he met Mr. Walt who took his time to crucify any confidence he had in himself as a new operator. Just a few words to most of Mr. Walt's usual daily rants, belittlement of lesser stations than his own and so on. Most of us we would just dismiss, forget or maybe not even notice the sarcasm and move on.
In Mr. Walt's defense we do recognize that he does not use a QRZ to look up who he is talking to on air, if he had then as our young chap's QRZ profile makes perfectly clear, not only of his personal situation but also the great achievement he had made to overcome his disabilities and get to where he had!
Mr. Walt's great knowledge and vast experience could have and should have been a perfect opportunity for this young fellow to glean some useful tips, tricks and knowledge. After all what is left to be known about amateur radio that Walt does not know is probably not really worth knowing anyway!
This combined by Walters greatness in being able to talk with confidence on just about any subject thrown at him, one would think he would have been a perfect candidate to put these skills to great use and encourage a youngster into this hobby of ours. You have worked in a school yourself so we are sure that you know all about encouragement and how important it is to help young people engage.
So is Bob Clondike a childish poor writer of humor? Is this the totally wrong way to go about "getting ones own back"?
Actually Bobs humor although may come over as a little schizophrenic, psychotic immature & mostly delusional, written in bad English with typo's and poor spelling! The site was originally setup so that anyone who may be offended by our main man on 40m would probably Google his call sign, find that they are not alone, thinking that what they themselves think about the person they have just spoken to on the air, is also thought by a few more people too.
73's Bob.
The Amstrad 901 Sold!
We now know who brought Walt’s Amstrad 901. Remember AMSTRAD 901 sale? The new lucky owner of this very prestigious radio
is MW6OTT. You could almost believe this
is a made up call sign (Over The Top. OTT) but no its the real thing!
Just like the casino in Las Vegas brought that piece of burnt toast with an image of Christ Mr.
Mark went OTT with his pocket money and brought himself the 901.
Here is what Mark has to say about himself:
My name is Mark I'm 48 years of age and married to my wonderful wife, I have two sons. I live on the island of Anglesey in north Wales and have been licenced since 1st december 2010 and operate daily.
Below are some images of my setup consisting of an Amstrad 901 citizen's band radio, Kenwood ts 940s (HF) and Yaesu ft 7500 (VHF), and my main antennas.
Now, not
everyone is lucky enough to actually get to own something that once belonged to
Captain Megawatt, but Mr. Mark is very proud of his historic radio, placing it in first position on his QRZ page.
Helga had a listen around the bands to see if she could find Mr Mark. Locating him on 40m reports that Mr. Mark is a very competent operator, always giving his "working conditions" and sharing his knowledge about Delta Loops. Obviously not a Mega Gun like Walt but with the 10W output that his license limits him to, he still manages to punch an impressive signal over into Germany and the rest of Europe.
Mark likes to keep his QSO's quite short, obviously squeezing in his limited time on the air in between a busy schedule. We would love to know if he gets to use the 901 much and has he had any memorable moments that he would like to share.
Lucky man Mark, we would love to hear from you!
By Helga Flopadopalus
Friday, 22 March 2013
Woohoo! Let us prey while Bob is away....
Let us pray, please join together
with our great mother Merkel..
Our father, which art on forty meters,
Hallowed be all those that he angers.
Thy Kingdom come.
Oh what on earth has Walter done,
Give him this day, his daily medication.
And forgive him for upsetting that disabled young M6 operator,
who innocently called him one day on forty meters.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from all his evil.
For thine is not his kingdom alone,
The power he has, but the glory he will never,
for ever ever.
Rev. Bob
I wont have access to listen in and report as regularly as I would like. Rest assured though our intrepid team will be scouring the air, making notes and sending over their reports for me to review and post as and when I can.
Now to the news:
Mrs. Walt called our office avowing that Mr. Walt has fallen out with his best buddy Helmet, all because Dunster Dave stirred things & told Helmet he loves Mr. Walt more that Helmet does! All this unraveled live on Ch 19! Apparently Dunster told Helmet Mr. Walt was his Megawatt buddy and that his Megawatt bud was only hanging out with him as no one else would twiddle with his big burner knob. Not even Mrs. Walt would dare touch that big nob!
Mr. Walt used his 6KW's and cloud warmer early on Friday morning in an attempt to improve on the cold weather, running low on firewood and not able to chop as fast as in his younger days, thought that just sending out a few 6KW yawns out on air might just solve the problem of keeping he and Mrs. Walt (our hero) warm.
A freak storm will hit the UK later today, a cold front is moving in from Northern Germany.
The MET office reported that an unusual weather system appears to be building above a small garden shed in a tiny relatively unknown North German village, this unusual weather system is quickly moving towards the UK and causing freak storms in its path. A flood warning was issued for Dunstable. Ms. Smythe-Udders-Blunket A elderly local lady with wrinkly tights and wispy hairs growing from her nose was reported as saying "they air down here is full of a stifling torrid smell bit like swine poo.
A Local constable from Dunstable was reported running through the streets in his nightgown warning people to stay inside and only come out if they really need to use their outside lavatories.
End of the news.

We have ended the poll and once all the data has been de-dunstered will publish the results.
Meanwhile let us once again say out aloud
with our great mother Merkel..
Our father, which art on 40m,
Hallowed be those he angers.
Thy Kingdom come.
Oh what on earth has Walter done,
Give him this day his daily medication.
And forgive him for upsetting the disabled young M6 operator,
that innocently called him on forty meters.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from his evil.
For thine is not his kingdom alone,
The power he has, but the glory he will never,
for ever ever.

Rev. Bob C
Thursday, 21 March 2013
No time right now but quick message to Mr. David.... and both really the same place, they both leave your poop all over the place! Your spending too much time on Walters site!
Your earliest visit so far at 06:59 this morning! Please just ask if you would like some help with this internet stuff old man. and both really the same place, they both leave your poop all over the place! Your spending too much time on Walters site!
Your earliest visit so far at 06:59 this morning! Please just ask if you would like some help with this internet stuff old man.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
A little more investigation.... Just for fun but FACT we FOUND HIM!
We FOUND YA Good buddy!
But before you read on.... listening on 40m a week or so ago we did pick up this person talking to another UK amateur. The lovely person our 'multi clicker ' was in a QSO with thought that our site was fun & said
"It did make me chuckle a lot"
You see the thing here is once you interact with anything on the internet you leave a trail of poop that can be followed. Its amazing what internet poop most donkeys leave behind!
So lets dig through this internet poop & see what we find chaps.
Most internet connections from cable companies actually give out a static IP address, even that is if they tell you that your IP is not static. The logs show that IP address was the address of the internet user that made over 100 votes on the poll.
Tracing the IP address back to its originator node we found the following:
65 ms 66 ms 65 ms []
34 ms 35 ms 33 ms []
33 ms 33 ms 34 ms []
42 ms 41 ms 41 ms []
42 ms 45 ms 41 ms []
42 ms 41 ms 42 ms []
43 ms 47 ms 43 ms []
45 ms 44 ms 44 ms duns-cmts-06-gigaether-** []
53 ms 51 ms 51 ms cpc5-duns6-2-0-cust** []
Hmmmmmm cpc5-duns6-2'-cust*** ?? looks interesting!
Put a network trace onto that and we find: Dunstable,Bedfordshire,United Kingdom
Google internet node reference together with the IP address together with the above gives (one of many but this one will do):
So far it looks like too many coincidences are beginning to come together here.
Press F3 on this page to start a search for the Virgin Media Ref again
Dave, M0SBZ Dunstable UK 213.105.**.130 cpc5-duns6-2-0-cust**
BAD BOY Mr. Dave from Dunstable!!
always pick up your poop!
Now this site is just for fun, we don't even really want to upset Mr. Walt he is just a grumpy old fish with bad audio and a pickled bum. But Dave!! We thought better of you than this! That IS playground stuff! Hi Hi
DVE your QTS is busted!
Virgin Media IP address 213.105.**.130
UK Virgin Media IP connection 213.105.**.130 has decided to send multiple votes devoting his love for our harmonica playing banjo hillbilly.
At the end of the Poll we will remove all votes made by duplicate addresses. So sorry Mr. Walt 56% of people don't actually love you.
One vote only please folks! Rest assured we will find the multi voter!
Bob the badger...
At the end of the Poll we will remove all votes made by duplicate addresses. So sorry Mr. Walt 56% of people don't actually love you.
One vote only please folks! Rest assured we will find the multi voter!
Bob the badger...
Sunday, 17 March 2013
You can:
No answer came in from Walt this evening about his weekend activities. As its already after dark we guess that Helmet had to go home.
Below, the world visitor map showing just how far around the world we have reached so far!
So if you are one of the lovely visitors shown on the map don't forget to take the online poll and maybe even leave a comment or two. Don't worry you don't have to leave a name. If this our first poll works well we will run more!
Please: this site is just for simple clean fun so if you leave a comment make it a sort of clean one ;)
Oh and who was the ONE person so far selecting "I Love him, Mr. Walt don't change one bit"? Mr. David? have you been secretly visiting this blog? 2
DK5DR Shacking weekend in the shed
Good morning Walt, hope you and Helmet are having fun together in the shed this weekend, would you like to tell us what your both getting up to?
Actually Bob we are having a great time, its been so long since we had a "sleepover" And Helmet has a great pair of pyjamas that he got from Aldi, i would like to get the same for myself but I'm not allowed in the shop since they fired me as trolly collector and car park attendant.
So tell us what you have been doing in the garden shed all this time.
Well Bob, Helmet brought round with him a pack of top trump cards but we thought we would save them till later to play, its the ones all about classical musical instruments, you know how I love classical music! Then we have been spending the rest of the time inventing together.
What is it you have both invented this time Walt?
Well Bob we have come up with a new code to use on air, sort of like the Q code but not only using Q's. Here is a little preview of what we have come up with so far:
QTS My garden shed location is....
PXW Poor almost ex wife who puts up with miserable old man on radio
HOHO Sort of like hi-hi for for laughter but for use around Christmas time
QLG Gonna let you go, your not 5-9 and my hearing aid doesn't pick up lesser signals
QCW I don't have central heating in my house and have to go chop some wood in the keller
GRV Im using the best antenna ever made the G5RV (still waiting to hear back from Stanstons & Walters)
DVE I only want to talk to Dave from.........
QDR I finally made an appointment to see a shrink doctor about being grumpy all the time
CQCQ DK5 Delta Radio i want to speak with someone but be aware i will probably offend you in some way
NOCQ Your not running a kilowatt so i wont be able to hear you and your country must be stupid only allowing 400w
Thats about it for now Bob its only Sunday morning and Helmet doesn't have to be home till just before it gets dark..
Sound like a great weekend of shacking it up together you two are having Walt, we will check in on you both again later, hope we can catch you before Helmet has to go home...
Saturday, 16 March 2013
DK5DR Poll
- Note that you can select multiple answers .
- It is completely anonymous you will not be asked in any way to identify yourself.
- Vote now and let the people know.
- More polls to come
- This is just for fun! Mr. Walt wont actually get elected to run Germany based on the result of this poll.
- You may use the comments section below to send in future poll questions. Again all anonymous!
- Buy one and get two free!
- No horses were harmed in the making of this internet poll.
One foot in the gravy! its the weekend Bob!
Hi Bob,
Thought I would report about doings of this weekend!
Been and got myself up real early! Good buddy Helmet called me on ch 7 (that's not his normal calling channel but luck has it I was listening in on it anyway). He is on his way over for a weekend of tinkerin together in my garden shed.
Hell he's even bringing his little coon over too!
Thought I would report about doings of this weekend!
Been and got myself up real early! Good buddy Helmet called me on ch 7 (that's not his normal calling channel but luck has it I was listening in on it anyway). He is on his way over for a weekend of tinkerin together in my garden shed.
Hell he's even bringing his little coon over too!
Will write again later n tell ya about all the fun stuff we tinkered with.
Yeah, disappointing about the Pope thing, but ho-hum Mrs. Walt said she didn't fancy all that ironing anyway and I reckon as the summer is coming it would have gotten too hot driving around here in that glass roofed car the Vatican gives you. Not much good for my magmount too!
Big buddy Walt'Ontski
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Not enough votes, too much squelch & pigeons on the wire
Mrs. Walt called this morning giving the following statement:
[Mrs. Walt] Thank god it didn't happen, ive been so worried you know Bob! Walt has been up every night trying to boost his 6 kw burner to get a signal into Vatican shack, even if it means going above the 750w legal limit! The QB5-1750 tubes have been red hot. Personally I think he was calling on the wrong channel but Walt says the cardinals had the squelch turned up too much and they only have a G5RV hanging of a smokey old chimney!
My goodness, he even does that signing a cross thing in the air every morning when he looks out from his garden shed blessing the antenna though he swears he is blessing all that are not so fortunate as he.
Oh well our lovely cuddly Walt could have been a great Pope! Even Dave from Dunstable was looking forward to Pope Walt the 1st Papal blessing on 7.140Mhz!
Still we all can look forward to more of his great sermons on 40m
[Mrs. Walt] Thank god it didn't happen, ive been so worried you know Bob! Walt has been up every night trying to boost his 6 kw burner to get a signal into Vatican shack, even if it means going above the 750w legal limit! The QB5-1750 tubes have been red hot. Personally I think he was calling on the wrong channel but Walt says the cardinals had the squelch turned up too much and they only have a G5RV hanging of a smokey old chimney!
He's been hellbent on getting elected as Pope! Going on and on about how he could design a Pope hat as a discone or was it discount antenna! He even orders me to go down to the news agent and collect his weekly magazine on Pope Hats!
Though i have to admit, he is of similar character to that nice old chap they chose, he does love to ride a bike, catches the bus to see his friend Helmet and he sleeps in his own single bed.
My goodness, he even does that signing a cross thing in the air every morning when he looks out from his garden shed blessing the antenna though he swears he is blessing all that are not so fortunate as he.
Oh well our lovely cuddly Walt could have been a great Pope! Even Dave from Dunstable was looking forward to Pope Walt the 1st Papal blessing on 7.140Mhz!
Still we all can look forward to more of his great sermons on 40m
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Fishy squish
Bob, im sad to report that it didn't work. Personally I blame Helmet for getting me all excited with the massage, must be some sort of problem with sweat and fish juice mixing together...
Now look at me. The hair lasted only a short while, all the juice that ran down my face left me looking like this:
Now I can no longer skip though the village like a young girl. Its back to being old grumpy Walter...
Its going to take a crap load of audio processing to sort this face out!
Hairy fish, Persian Kitty's Delta Radio
Hi Bob Walt here, gotta share this one with you good bud! I've been inventing again... Remember my fish squeezing experiments? I've done it again and come up with another ground breaking idea!
Since a young age I always had a bit of a hair problem. Probably too much RF radiation from my space patrol walkie talkies.
Walter (young man)
Anyway Bob my sister (Judith Sheindlin or you might know her as Judge Judy from TV) told me about the advantages of fish oil. I called my mate Helmet on Ch19 to come round to help, Helmet is a great fish squeezer! So we got squeezing them fish in my shed and look what happened ! its amazing really it is!! look...
first trials
Even Mrs. Walt got excited! but still reminded me about the Baboon that ran off with my toupée on our wedding night! I did get it back but I wont go into that right now...
So I let Helmet squeeze them fish & let the fishy juice run all over my head, he then gave me a rather exciting massage to make sure it really got in deep where the follicles used to be. AND LOOK!
Result! back to black!
I look great don't you think? Just wish id done this prior to my interview with Stanstons and Walters! Next up im gonna give it a go by mixin fish and the cat from next door together, you never know it might even bring back some of them curly ones down below! Sexy stuff eh!
Gotta go Bob before Aldi closes need some shampoo....
10 10 till we do it again!
"And Rome will be slave to the hairy man"
Might change my handle to "Goldilocks" im so happy, think I will skip like a young girl through the town
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